Midland Mainline

Midland Mainline Electrification
ESL’s initial involvement on this project was in modest civil engineering design packages. Our success in delivering these packages on time and on budget was recognised as we were awarded progressively more works as the project progressed. Our contribution included:
- Survey works to inform project design
- Design of lineside civil engineering assets such as walkways and access points
- Design of a new OLE training span for use by the maintainer
- Design of temporary construction RRAPs
- Production of switching and maintenance strategies
- Tactile inspection and assessment of overline structures and tunnels
- Tunnel remedial works ahead of OLE installation
- Assurance of civil and OLE installations by others
- Management and engineering support to the SPL project team
We particularly excelled at providing solutions to delivering packages of work that had been overlooked by the project team within extremely short timescales to mitigate delays to the overall project. We were able to mobilise both design and construction teams at short notice where necessary to the satisfaction of our client.
Project Description
The Midland Mainline Electrification is an ambitious plan to deliver new electrification along the Midland Mainline from its previous extent at Bedford to Nottingham and Sheffield. We supported the first phase of the project, the construction of new OLE from Bedford to Corby via Kettering.
Project Details
- Client: SPL
- Category: Civils & OLE design